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Campus Security

The safety and well being of the Villa Community is one of our highest concerns. Learn how we help to keep the campus safe, and how you can stay in the loop when emergency situations occur.

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Your Safety is Our Priority

A safe campus environment requires the combined efforts and cooperation of the entire community. 

Villa employs an experienced security staff, provides an emergency messaging system, conducts regular fire drills, has an emergency response plan in place, and strong relationships with the local police and first responders to make the campus a comfortable, secure place for you. Help continue our efforts by practicing personal safety tips, signing up for emergency notifications, and report suspicious activity.

Emergency Contact

In the event of an emergency, please use the phones located in the corridors. Instructions are posted next to each phone.

Security Guard: Press Speed 2, or dial 716-870-7176
Cheektowaga Police (Non Emergency): Press Speed 1, or dial 716-686-3501
Fire in Progress: Pull alarm

Other Contact Information:
Business Office: 716-961-1811 (On campus extension 1811)
Maintenance: 716-961-1867 (On campus extension 1867)
Switchboard: 716-896-0700 (On campus extension 0)

Personal Safety Tips

  • Trust your instincts. If you’re walking and have a feeling that something is wrong, then something may be wrong. Change direction and head toward an open entrance and use the phone.
  • Avoid displaying large amounts of cash or other tempting targets like jewelry or valuable objects.
  • Do not ever leave items unattended. Take purses and backpacks with you when you leave a room. Always keep personal belongings in view wherever you are.
  • Use the buddy system. Travel with a friend or in groups especially at night.
  • If you must walk alone, make sure you have some type of deterrent and know how to use it. Even keys, pens and pencils can be used as defense devices in an emergency.
  • Stick to well-lit areas when walking at night.
  • Avoid shortcuts through wooded or deserted areas.
  • Stay on parts of the sidewalk that are farthest away from shrubs or other places where people can hide.
  • Walk at a steady pace-appear confident and purposeful.
  • Be alert. Listen for footsteps and voices. The smell of cologne or cigarette smoke may indicate that someone is nearby.
  • Avoid jogging alone.
  • If you receive a harassing phone call, hang up immediately. If the calls persist, notify the police.
  • Share your class and activities schedule with your family and close friends and let them know when to expect you.
  • Carry a cellular phone and program the speed dial with emergency numbers.
  • Only accept rides from people you know and trust.
  • Never accept drinks from anyone who is not a close friend and never leave a drink unattended.
  • When going out, carry only items you need. Leave extra cash, credit cards, jewelry at home in a safe place.

Vehicle Safety Tips

  • Park in well-lit areas at night.
  • Don’t leave valuable items in plain view inside your vehicle. It’s best to leave items in your vehicle’s trunk.
  • Don’t leave your keys in your vehicle.
  • Lock your vehicle’s doors, roll up the windows, close the top if it’s a convertible or has a sun roof, and use your vehicle’s anti-theft device if there is one.

Reporting Crimes

Villa Maria College requires that all crimes, missing person situations, and emergencies be reported at once. All students, faculty, staff, and visitors are asked to report any unusual or suspicious incidents to the Business Office, the police, or to security.

It is important to remember as many details as possible when reporting a crime or suspicious behavior. Practice remembering specifics about individuals you see regularly and when it counts, it will be that much easier for you to recall details that may assist authorities in the event of a true emergency or incident. These are some of the specifics that are helpful to remember when providing descriptions:

  • Hair color
  • Eye color
  • Facial features
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Demeanor (how someone is or may have been acting)
  • Any distinguishing physical features (Tattoos, scars, limp, etc…)
  • Clothing
  • Time of day
  • License plate number
  • Car make and model

To ensure proper documentation, protect your interest and the interests of other students on campus, please report all crimes and complete a report in the Business Office. This report would be in addition to any police report, you may or have been asked to complete by authorties.

Anonymous Reporting – people may make anonymous reports to campus security and the civil rights compliance officers by filling out the Anonymous Report form.

At times, the College may use information obtained for statistical purposes and to fulfill any required safety reporting information. If it is determined that the circumstances of the crime pose a danger to other members of the College community, then general information about the incident may be released. However, the victim’s identity will be protected.

For confidential assistance and counseling services, we encourage anyone to reach out to our staff, who will assist you and lend support during times of need:

Counseling: 716-961-1821
Campus Ministry: 716-961-1813

Submit Your Emergency Contact Info

Crime Statistics.

In compliance with the Clery Act, Villa Maria College discloses information about crime statistics and various policies and procedures intended to keep Villa safe. The 2023 Annual Security Report can be read here: Villa Maria College Annual Security Report 2023. A copy of this report is held in the Business Office located on the first floor of the Main Building.

  • Prospective employees are notified of the availability of the report on the employment section of Villa’s website.
  • Prospective students are notified of the availability of the report on the admissions section of Villa’s website.
  • Current or prospective students and employees may request a paper copy at no charge from the Business Office located on the first floor of the Main Building or by calling 716.961.1838.
  • A copy of this report is e-mailed to all current students and employees.
  • Campus crime statistics are reported to the United States Department of Education.

NY-Alert Emergency Messaging System

NY-Alert is a free service that gives you critical information about news alerts happening across the state.

Villa will continue to keep the community informed about campus-specific events through its emergency message notification system, which will include alerts from this service if pertinent.

Villa Maria College encourages all new and existing students to opt-in to this alert system as well as the Omnilert system, so that you can stay as informed as possible.

Register Now

Building Hours.

Main Building Hours
Monday-Thursday: 7:30 AM – 12:00 AM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 11:00 PM
Saturday: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM 

Felician Hall Building Hours
Monday-Thursday: 7:30 AM – 9:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

Athletic Center Hours
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday: Events only