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Animation or Game Design: Which Should You Study?

Struggling to choose between majoring in animation or game design? If you’re passionate about animated media like video games and movies in addition to solving problems and using computer software, you have interests and skills that align with both majors. To figure out which path is right for you, you’ll need to take a deeper dive into each program to see what both entail.

What is Animation?

Animation is a style of art that uses computer software to bring static images to life, making them move and interact with other digital images and environments. Artists use different animation styles and a wide range of techniques to create visually compelling works of art. But while having strong artistic vision and skill is important, successful animators must also have technical abilities. They need an understanding of physics and math, applying them to animation to realistically replicate movements. Animators are also visual storytellers, so being able to create interesting narratives and characters while using skills to evoke emotions and keep audiences engaged is essential.

What is Game Design?

On the other hand, game design is the art form of creating video games. Game designers build immersive worlds, craft playable characters, and program these elements to interact in a variety of ways. They are also responsible for working on game logic, rules, and mechanics across different settings and levels. Not only do game designers need the artistic skills to develop unique characters and environments but they also rely on advanced programming and coding skills to add functionality. Ultimately, their goal is to create games that players want to engage with repeatedly, taking them on engaging adventures where actions impact gameplay.

Key Differences Between Animation and Game Design

Although animation and game design share similarities, they differ significantly in educational requirements, career pathways, and main focus.

Educational Requirements

At Villa Maria College, many courses in the animation and game design programs overlap. There’s a lot of animation in game design, so game design students will take many of the same courses as their animation major peers. However, animation intersects more with film and the curriculum includes acting and film editing courses on top of art and animation classes. In contrast, game design has more in common with computer science. Aside from animation, students take classes in web design, programming, and game engines.

Career Pathways

Animation majors typically pursue careers in film, television, and marketing and advertising where they use their ability to tell visual stories and convey messages. While animators can and do work in the video game industry, they may not learn the technical skills needed for some game design or development roles while earning their animation degree. Game design majors are well-equipped to work in a wide range of both animation and game design or development jobs. They may also work as web designers or visual effects (VFX) artists.

Focus on Storytelling vs Interactivity

Ultimately, animators focus on visual storytelling and use their creations to captivate audiences through a narrative supported by their art. While storytelling is important in video game design, the primary focus in game design is ensuring the game’s components work together seamlessly, allowing players to interact using characters and settings. Game designers may play a role in shaping narratives, but it’s not their primary responsibility.

Study Animation or Game Design at Villa

Villa Maria College offers students the opportunity to study in renowned animation and game design programs. You can also choose to double major to expand your skillset and career opportunities! No matter what path you choose, our faculty is here to help you succeed. Contact us today to learn more about both programs and explore your options.